Around the Clock Protection from Evolving Cyber Threats
The nature of cyber threats today means businesses of all shapes and sizes must continually update their security features. An IT asset that was fully protected against known threats yesterday might be vulnerable to attacks and breaches today.
For your peace of mind, we’ve developed a comprehensive patching service that takes day-to-day responsibility for patches and updates away from your desk. We’ll ensure you’re systems are always protected by installing patches as and when they emerge.
Patching as a Service Patching as a Service Patching as a Service
What Is a Patch?
Patches are changes to code that address vulnerabilities to cyber attacks. These patches can apply to existing applications, software tools, Cloud-based assets and on-site servers.
Not all patches and updates are applied automatically. In fact, a lot of organisations don’t realise that security patches are available — leaving their entire IT infrastructures vulnerable to attack.
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