Back In Time For Business Continuity
Business Continuity is that part of Disaster Recovery ensuring that at least some part of a business keeps running following a computer outage. Regardless …
Calculating the Cost of a Databreach
Estimating the cost of data breaches. UK government studies aim to identify the financial costs of dealing with a data breach. The full financial …
Reacting to Ransomware
Reacting to Ransomware Ransomware continues to be a major threat to computer systems. Attacks on high profile users make the news headlines but there …
Secure Data Deletion
Secure Data Deletion Deletion or overwriting is no longer a good enough solution to erase data from a computer In October 2021 Wired magazine …
Cloud Outage Risk Mitigation
All Our Eggs In One Basket? The Fastly outage of 8th June 2021 was a wake up call on the risks of relying on …
Lessons in handling data disasters
The WanaCrypt0r ransomware attack on the NHS and BA power failure both in May 2017 show the right and wrong ways to deal with …